Never one to baulk at adversity, the mad artist Bruyn saw the failure of the first generation barista bot as a new challenge. After all, not everyone can make a good coffee (in the future airport cafes will be testament to this!).
An so the former MK-I barista bot, now named Barry, was to get a new role. Noticing how well the puppy, Meela had taken to being entertained by the Barry bot, the mad artist decided to do some modifications. To the best of his understanding, young puppies needed exercise, and due to the mad artist's aversion to all things physical, he decided to retrofit Barry with a few new modifcations.
Removing the brewing systems (no need for them), he sealed up the torso and attached two arms. One to hold a leash and the other a device, he would cleverly dub "The pooper shovel" (he would have preferred a word that rhymed with pooper but couldn't think of one).
Then to integrate Barry more into society when walking Meela, he gave him a very fetching moustache and top hat. Barry had transformed into the very epitamy of a dog walking gentlemen.
And now with some time to think (with Barry and Meela from out under his feet for a while) the mad artist was able to get back to addressing the most important matter: how he would get a constant supply of good coffee without having to send out for it all the time.