Friday, March 22, 2013

The Puppy: Me! Me! Meela!

The mad artist Bruyn was furiously scribbling over his drawing board, designing modifications for his newly made flying lamp bots when he heard a crying from the recesses of the substation.
Irritably coming to the realisation that he had not yet designed a steambot to investigate annoying noises he instead interrupted his illustrative furor to find the source.
What he did discover was a small puppy than must have fallen down a drain somewhere and landed in the substation. The puppy had injured itself in the fall and couldn't walk properly.
Staring analytically into those large innocent eyes, something must have activated a cog in the artist's clockwork heart.
And so he begun to design a mechanical leg brace to help the injured puppy walk. Was this the start of a beautiful friendship?
All the mad artist knew was this puppy followed him everywhere. It was so needy.wanting attention every second, hence he would name the dog Meela (with the emphasis on Me!)